Sunday 27 October 2013

A war.


Greetings citizens of the globe! Wake up and smell the coffee. Its a beautiful Sunday morning. Feel the cool breeze, the air after rain, the blooming of the flowers, the chirping of birds. Wonderful morning :)

Well, today, this post, as I believe may be the last post of this blog as in Mr H said that we shall update our blogs everyday till the last day before our exam starts. Tomorrow will be the big day, the dawn of our finals, starting with the Bahasa Melayu paper.

So, I wish all of you the best! My dearest #PERMATA1314 batchmates :D We shall face this together, a war till the end. 

Ya Allah, please ease everything, let us answer the exam with comfort and ease. Allow us to reach our goals and expectations. Give us strength and faith. Accompany us in this war. Ameen.

As we step in the hall tomorrow, note that pointers do not determine your intelligence. Marks do not how smart you are. Placings do not determine who you are. GOODLUCK!


Saturday 26 October 2013

Quotes of the day #001

To quote a friend;
Don't resist your feelings, follow it, but don't get flown away by it.

To quote Yasmin Mogahed;
If you want to stop getting hurt, stop getting attached to things that dissapear. 

Feelings are wonderful. They spices up our life, yet sometimes, too much of spices could ruin everything. Fix it by adding other ingrediants in life :) Toodles!


Friday 25 October 2013

Here comes Friday~

I shall have these one day! *DETERMINED*

Greetings citizens of the globe! Well, here comes Friday! Finally a break after the whole tiring week - a race in completing the assignments. No prep today, everybody seemed so happy :D So cute XD there's not much of updates here. I shall get going to proceed with my assignments. Toodles!


Thursday 24 October 2013


In life, we do things, some we wish we had never done, some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. But they all make us who we are and in the end, they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them, we wouldn't be the person we are. So just live. Make mistakes. Have wonderful memories. But never ever second guess who you are, where you have been and where is it you're going. 

Simple words could hide thousands meanings beneath it. Reflect. 


Wednesday 23 October 2013


Greetings citizens of the globe! I believe this shall be the last 'WORDLESS' Wednesday post as starting from next week I shall stop blogging as in Mr H said that our blog updates go on till the last day before the exam. Next week will be the final examination for this second semester as well as for this year. The truth is, I am not ready yet for the exam. The exam mode is somehow still missing out of the blues~ Enough babbling, so here comes the pictures :)
